Podcast #37 with The Dagga Couple
This week we went to have a chat with the Dagga Couple about their recent trip to Amsterdam for the Cannabis Cup. Even though the podcast is useually in Afrikaans, this week the podcast is in English (mostly) to accomodate our guests. Please flow the Dagga Couple on the various online platforms: @DaggaCouple on Twitter, @daggacouple on Instagram and like their Facebook page. You can also check out their website and their non-profit Fields of Green for all. Listen to the podcast at the bottom of this post while you have a browse through their pages.

Pre-made cones en scoops gemaak van hemp-plastic. Geskenke van die Dagga Couple aan, al die pad van Amsterdam
Thanks for all the feedback we have been getting related to the podcast. Feel free to let us know what you think in the comments below. Also listen out for our weekly competition on the podcast to win yourself a case of Castel Lite Lime of Flying Fish flavoured beers.
5 Responses
[…] van rook, het jy na ons podcast met die Dagga Couple geluister? Vandat ons weer die podcast begin het is dit die episode wat die meeste luisters gekry […]
[…] jy dalk die week gemis het op is moontlik ons cool lysie van kersgeskenke en ook ons nuwe podcast episode waar ons die Dagga Couple gehad het as […]
[…] tydens 'n nuusuitsending wat baie mense kyk. Charlo het baie stories gedoen vir die nuuskanaal oor dagga. Along the line het sy besluit om haar eie medical marijuana oop te maak. Ek neem aan haar […]
[…] Eendag gaan ons terug kyk na die prohibition van dagga soos wat ons nou kyk na die stenig van mense omdat hulle dink die aarde is rond, en chemical castration van gay mense. Dit is hoe belaglik die prohibition van dagga eendag gaan wees vir ons almal. Tot dan kort ons mense soos Jules Stobss en Myrtle Clark, die Dagga Couple. […]
[…] Jaar gelede het die Dagga Couple gehelp om die eerste D-Day 420 lewe te gee. ‘n Dag waar mense van verskillende agtergronde […]