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Foo Fighters: Nuwe album en “Thanks”

Die afgelope jaar was ‘n goeie jaar vir Foo Fighters fans. Waarom? Natuurlik omdat Wasting Light een van hulle beste albums tot op hede was.

Hier by gevaaalik.com maak ons geen geheim daarvan nie: Wasting Light was een van ons top vyf albums van 2011. En nou lyk dit asof daar vinnig nog ‘n album van dié rock band oppad is.

In ‘n blogpost op die band se website bedank frontman Dave Grohl eerstens die fans vir die awesome jaar wat hulle gehad het. Dan verduidelik hy waarom Wasting Light so fokken goed is – die band het dit heeltemal anders benader:

Looking back at the past 18 months, I don’t think we’ve ever worked so hard at making an album, and it ever being so easy. From day one, the idea for this record was to make something completely simple and honest, to capture that thing that happens when you put the 5 of us in a small room. No big production, just real rock and roll music: That’s why we decided to do it in my garage. We wanted to retain that human element, keep all of those beautiful imperfections: That’s why we went completely analog.

Net daarna drop hy dan die nuus dat ons volgende jaar ‘n nuwe album kan verwag:

There are still more shows to play, more songs to write, more albums to record, for years to come. I mean…..If you would have told me 17 years ago that in 2012 I would be writing songs for our 8th studio album….well…..

Ons hoop dat die komende album net nog beter sal wees as Wasting Light, en ons hou jou op hoogte. En indien jy nog nie Wasting Light het nie, kry dit vandag nog. Lees Stix se review van vroeër hierdie jaar as jy my nie glo nie.

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1 Response

  1. January 20, 2012

    […] is net een song. Dus kan ons seker wees dat die Foo Fighters steeds 'n nuwe album sal uit kry in 2012. Corey het al voorheen vertel hoeveel respek hy het vir Dave Grohl: "I probably identify the most […]

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