Cross Fit by Jesus – A CrossFit parody
Remember that cult with the guy who wears the wizard-robes and a weird hat? How about the cult that believes in Xenu the ruler of the Galactic Confederacy about 75 million years ago? These two cults are better known as the Catholic Church and Scientology. These days we have to deal with a different type of cult, namely CrossFit. Jip, it’s almost as annoying and ridiculed as the other two cults I’ve mentioned here.
People like making fun of silly things, and CrossFit is no different. Thus, I give to you Cross Fit by Jesus. The video explains it better than I ever could. Just keep in mind that this is a joke and if it invokes feelings of anger and rage in you, maybe you should ask yourself if your membership of a cult has made you a silly little bitch?
Wees versigtig. Daar is ‘n verskil tussen freedom of speech en disrespect. Nee, ek is glad nie gelowig nie, en ek het ‘n sense of humor – maar ander mense is gelowig en hulle voel sterk daaroor. Om iemand se geloof ‘n cult te noem maak jou die silly little bitch 🙂
PS : Sal jy ‘n artikel post wat spot met Mohammed?
Wow. Ek is verstom. Dit is such a contentious issue : het niemand andres 2c’s nie. Is daar actually nog ander mense op die planeet oor – nee, seriaas, ek het nie opgelet oppad huis toe nie. Shite
Die “swazi” help ook nie juis nie
@pisgesig: Elke geloof op hierdie planeet is niks anders as ‘n cult nie. Jy kan nie maak of dit ‘n belediging is as dit maar net eintlik ‘n feit is nie.
Ek dink nie Mohammed gaan omgee as ek ‘n artikel post wat spot met hom nie.
@pisgesig: Ek dink meeste mense stem maar net saam dat ek nie die silly little bitch is nie.