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Ben Heine – Pencil vs. Camera

Terwyl Twitter en Facebook aan die brand is oor “The Spear” het ons ook vir julle iets wat kunsverwant is. Al verskil tussen ons en die “The Spear” situasie is dat ons nie onophoudelik gaan grens daaroor nie.

Ben Heine is ‘n kunstenaar wat die konsep van “Pencil vs. Camera” populêr gemaak het. “Pencil vs. Camera” word as volg beskryf:

“Pencil Vs Camera” mixes drawing and photography, imagination and reality. It’s a new visual concept invented, initiated and popularized by Ben Heine in 2010. It’s full of magic, illusion, poetry and surrealism. Ben published his first “Pencil Vs Camera” image in April 2010 but the series is the result of a long graphic exploration and a logic consequence of his personal artistic development.

Hier is so ‘n paar foto’s van “Pencil vs Camera”.

Vir die van julle wat meer van Ben se Pencil vs. Photography wil sien, kyk hier: Ben Heine.

by Stix

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