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The 4 best South African cannabis strains

South African cannabis strains are well-known around the world. Although cannabis originated in Asia, the plant flourishes elsewhere in the world too. Yes, cannabis seeds have made their way around the world and one spot where you will find some of the best weather and conditions for cannabis cultivation is South Africa. South Africa gets plenty of rain and has warm to moderate temperatures. The country on the southern tip of Africa gets basked in great southern hemisphere sunlight. You will struggle to find anywhere else in the world where cannabis can so easily be grown outdoors. For plant health, South Africa is very close to the best in the world.

These perfect growing conditions have led to some great South African landrace cannabis strains. Not only has South Africa produced one of the most popular sativa cannabis seeds, but they have created some monster indicas and hybrids too.

South African Cannabis Strains

Best South African cannabis strains

Regardless if you are a cannabis seed collector, grow your own supply or grow to sell, South African cannabis strains will make a great addition to any weed grow. Whether you grow indoors or outdoors, rest assured that you will find cannabis strains that suit your needs.

Don’t get nervous. We know how intimidating it can be when one starts looking for a new cannabis strain to grow. Sourcing seeds can be a pain in the butt and when you are looking for strains that originated in a specific country things can get overwhelming really quickly. That is why I decided to put a list together of the best South African cannabis seeds and strains. Saving you time and hopefully some effort and money too.

South African Sativa strains

Because many South African growers grow outdoors they have space and the weather conditions that are perfect for big sativa plants. Some of these monsters produce high potency and have a high yield. That is if you have the space to grow one. If not, why not go for an autoflower?

Durban Poison

By far the most popular cannabis strain that originated in South Africa. Ed Rosenthal is responsible for helping Durban Poison spread throughout the world after finding it in Durban, South Africa. Just as the name suggests. Durban Poison is a much sought after strain specifically because it’s seen by many growers and users as the best sativa strain.

Durban Poison is a South African cannabis strain

Durban Poison is known for its tall bushes with narrow fan leaves. Earth, pine, and other sweet smells are present when the plant is growing and flowering and these same aromas carry through when smoking. Durban Poison often tests between 16-24% THC, but even with its high potency, it’s a favorite of stoners who like to keep themselves busy. Often called “the espresso of weed”, Durban Poison is well known for the energetic high that it causes. With less than 0.2% CBD Durban Poison is often used by artists, creatives and general busybodies because the high often inspires productivity and creativity.

Buy cannabis seeds locally in South Africa.

Because of its popularity, many breeders have produced Durban Poison over the years and as a result, you can now find the strain in Regular, Feminized and Autflower variants. The autoflowers Durban Poison is great for any grower that has limited space, but still wants the high THC sativa kick that only this South African cannabis strain can produce. Personally, I’ve had great results with Dutch Passion Durban Poison seeds.

Although Durban Poison grows very well outdoors, there are many growers that are getting great results growing this South African strain indoors under LED lights.

Most popular South African cannabis strain

South African Kwazulu

As the name suggests, South African Kwazulu is a strain that is often found growing in the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal. KwaZulu is another South African sativa strain that has been found to grow freely on the south facing slopes of the Drakensberg. Because this is another pure sativa it is well known for it’s clear, happy, energetic and uplifting high.

South African Cannabis seeds

When the Bantu tribes came down from Northern Africa to South Africa they brought cannabis with them. KwaZulu-Natal has warm temperatures and plenty of rainfall and soon became known as a region perfect for growing great South African cannabis strains. The strain can be grown outdoors and indoors and often yields over 300 grams per plant. Some outdoor plants have recorded yields of 450g+. Once dried and cured the buds have a sweet smell and taste.

Legend has it that Zulu warriors consumed the Kwazulu strain of cannabis before they went into battle. The strain has been known to produce THC levels around 17% and the high is described by many as inspiring and long-lasting. Although most stoners will describe themselves as pacifists, it seems natural that a warrior tribe like the Zulu would use the Kwazulu cannabis strain as a motivator and a part of their pre-battle ritual.

Malawi Gold

Malawi is not South Africa, but it is in Southern Africa. Malawi it has produced an African sativa strain that is commonly grown in South Africa. Malawi Gold is another beautiful African sativa strain that is well known globally. Arabian traders probably brought this fast-growing sativa strain to Southern Africa in the 15th century, after which it spread further south into South Africa.

Malawi Gold grows a tall and slender plant with flowers that are covered in resin. Good growers can expect up to 400g of yield from the Malawi Gold plant. Flowering time is around the 10-week mark, typical of a true sativa strain. Outdoors these plants take a long time to mature and become ready for harvest, but outdoor Malawi Gold has yielded in excess of 600g.

Malawi produces 17% THC levels with 0.7% CBD. Malawi Gold has pineapple and lemon scents mixed with a spicy smell and flavor. This old school sativa cannabis strain produces a long-lasting high often associated with pure sativas.

Power Plant

Power Plant is another cannabis strain that originated in South Africa. It’s a sativa landrace that has been bred to produce a sativa dominant strain that yields a potent bud with THC level ranging from 26-20%. Dutch Passion breeders from Amsterdam in the Netherlands originally started developing Power Plant in the early ’90s and then officially released the strain in 1997.

Power Plant is known for it’s energetic and uplifting high. Again, like many sativas from South Africa, it is a strain that is often preferred by people who are looking for something to boost productivity and creativity. Power Plant won the 2006 HighLife Cup and several cannabis awards since then.

Power Plant is a fresh and smooth smoke with a very sweet aftertaste. The high is long lasting and the Power Plant yields 500-600g when grown indoors. The long-lasting high and high yield that the plant produces makes it a favorite for growers on a budget that are looking for a great return on investment. Power Plant is often also used medically to help treat migraines, depression, and fatigue. One thing I personally love about Power Plant is the stunning bud that it produces.

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18 Responses

  1. Marc says:

    How do ibuy

  2. Greg says:

    Where can i get seeds in Johannesburg

  3. Jiggy says:

    I want all those types ASAP cannabis

  4. Sally says:

    Where can I buy in Pretoria? And how soon after ordering should I expect delivery?

  5. Stix Gevaaalik says:

    @Sally: Herbnation Seeds and Trophy Seeds delivers within three days.

  6. Linda Moore says:

    Where can I buy them in Durban KZN

  7. Stix Gevaaalik says:

    @Linda: I always suggest using Cape Ape. You can check out their site here.

  8. Elize says:

    I have a few plants and have some questions about bugs and fertilizers.
    Lots of yellow leafs at the moment.
    I don’t smoke, make face cream for myself etc

  9. Ellen says:

    Where can I buy weed, safely, not to grow but to smoke. I suffer from severe anxiety.
    Durban and Amanzimtoti area.
    Hope you can help.

  10. Stix Gevaaalik says:

    @Ellen: Nowhere. Buying and selling or any trade of cannabis is illegal in South Africa.

  11. Buddyzowgrower says:

    Where in the northen cape can I get purple haize and shunk seeds
    I grow weed plants for fun

  12. Kidete says:

    South Africa KwaZulu seems like a heavy hitting strain. Thanks for this amazing article, Stix. Back in 2018, I smoked Swazi Gold , a really potent indica from South Africa and it was memorable. I’m from Kenya and all we got are landrace sativas.

  13. Chris says:

    With anxiety you can’t just smoke any cannabis. You have to have certain strains that is for anxiety. One strain very popular Jack Herer or Jack Herer cbd. 19% thc 19%cbd. Cbd gives a very laidback feeling.

  14. Stix Gevaaalik says:

    @Chris: Cannabis (all strains) have a different effect on different people. It’s not the same for any two people. I have social anxiety and other types of anxiety, but I smoke any weed as it only helps me deal with my anxiety.

  15. Thabang says:

    Good shit

  16. Mcdusty says:

    I need one, I’m at Durban. How can I get it?

  17. Ty says:

    Come to chatsworth here in Durban we have the best weed around…

  18. Stix Gevaaalik says:

    @Ty: No you don’t. Just like the guys with the biggest penises never run around telling everyone how big their penis is, the same goes for weed. The best growers don’t brag about their weed. They simply let the weed do the talking.

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