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Ongelooflike op film set foto’s geneem oor 35 deur Jeff Bridges

Jeff Bridges neem al vir die laaste 35 jaar foto’s op die set van al die films waarin hy al was. Hy gebruik ‘n Widelux film kamera om sy foto’s te neem. Lyk my die Widelux het ‘n lekker wide angle, dus sien mens ook ‘n hele paar selfies van Jeff Bridges.

Hier is so paar van die foto’s wat hy oor die jare geneem het. Baie cool. Sien meer van die cool foto’s hier.

‘Iron Man’ 2008

Iron Man 2008 - Jeff Bridges Photography

‘K-Pax’ – 2001

K-Pax 2001 - Jeff Bridges Photographyjpg

‘Texasville’ – 1990

Texasville 1990 - Jeff Bridges Photography

‘The Big Lebowski’ – 1998

The Big Lebowski 1998 - Jeff Bridges Photography

‘Tron’ – 1982

Tron 1982 - Jeff Bridges Photography

‘Tron: Legacy’ – 2010

Tron Legacy 2010 - Jeff Bridges Photography

‘True Grit’ – 2010

True Grit 2010 - Jeff Bridges Photography 2

True Grit 2010 - Jeff Bridges Photography 3

True Grit 2010 - Jeff Bridges Photography 4

True Grit 2010 - Jeff Bridges Photography

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