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Black Light Bodyscapes by John Poppleton

John Poppleton is a portrait photographer. In one of his projects he painted landscaped on female models with florescent pigment. He then put the models under black lights and photographed these mesmerizing images. John has done some interesting work with black lights in the past but Bodyscapes combines the beauty of the female form with the beauty of nature.

John Poppleton Black Light Bodyscapes

The first one of the milky way is what your bedspread would look like under a black light, minus the pretty girl. Makes you wonder what inspired John to create these? Let us know what you think on Facebook or on Twitter @gevaaalikdotcom.

John Poppleton Black Light Bodyscapes (2)

John Poppleton Black Light Bodyscapes (3)

John Poppleton Black Light Bodyscapes (4)

John Poppleton Black Light Bodyscapes (5)

John Poppleton Black Light Bodyscapes (6)

John Poppleton Black Light Bodyscapes (7)

John Poppleton Black Light Bodyscapes (8)

John Poppleton Black Light Bodyscapes (9)

John Poppleton Black Light Bodyscapes (10)

John Poppleton Black Light Bodyscapes (11)

John Poppleton Black Light Bodyscapes (12)

John Poppleton Black Light Bodyscapes (13)

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1 Response

  1. July 21, 2014

    […] Meer van die awesome black light Bodyscapes net hier. […]

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