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20 Maniere om te sê jy sit ‘n kondoom aan

Sonder ‘n toolbox kan jy nie werk nie. – Unknown

Daar is geen mooi manier om dit te sê nie, maar as jy gaan wil punt natmaak is dit iets wat jy op een of ander stadium gaan moet doen. Dit tel nie net vir die ouens nie, dames julle moet ook maar seker maak daardie dat apie toe gedraai is in cling wrap. Durex het 20 Condom Slogans bymekaar gemaak. Skryf een van hulle op kou arm soday jt nie vergeet om te ‘n effie te gebruik nie.


  1. Cover your stump before you hump.
  2. Don’t be silly, protect your willy.
  3. If you think she’s spunky, cover your monkey.
  4. If you go into heat, package your meat.
  5. Don’t make a mistake, cover your snake.
  6. No glove, no love.
  7. Cloak the joker before you poke her.
  8. Don’t be a fool, cover your tool.
  9. Stop the stream before you cream.
  10. Protect that fish then dip it in the dish.
  11. Plug your funnel then enter the tunnel.
  12. Bag the mole then do her hole.
  13. Cover your stone before you bone.
  14. Pack it in plastic, it’ll be fantastic.
  15. Wrap your meat before you beat.
  16. Wrap it before you slap it.
  17. Armour the tank before you enter the flank.
  18. Leash your pet before launching your jet.
  19. No shirt, no flirt.
  20. Dress him up before you lift her up.

Hierdie is ‘n sponsored post. Gaan kyk gerus na  http://www.durex.co.za vir nog kondoom advies.

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