Rob Zombie – The Triumph of King Freak
There is something therapeutic about rolling a joint, lighting it and listening to some new music. I’m a big Rob Zombie fan, and when YouTube music dropped a new track into my listening playlist...
There is something therapeutic about rolling a joint, lighting it and listening to some new music. I’m a big Rob Zombie fan, and when YouTube music dropped a new track into my listening playlist...
John 5 is ‘n guitar legende. Ek mis hom veral in Marilyn Manson se band. Deesdae speel hy vir Rob Zombie guitar. Hy het ook al 6 solo albums uit. Moet nie vir ‘n...
Rob Zombie, meneer Rocky Horror Pictures show met meer horror en guitarre as raging queens, bly maar ‘n fokken cool dude. Hy is miskien nie die antreklikste ou op die oog af nie, maar...