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Jaded Ink Vrydag Bederf is pret

In die week se Vrydag Bederf het ons vir julle bietjie nuus oor twee van ons gevaaalike dames wat al op gevaaalik.com verskyn het. So kom ons skop af met Yolandi Malherbe.

Yolandi was een van ons eerste gevaaalike dames met wie ons ‘n interview gedoen het. Sy het toe vinnig naam gemaak vir haar sexy lyf en great persoonlikheid. Sy kort nou weer ons hulp in Miss Zig Zag. So al wat jy moet doen is click op die link en dan click you “vote” op daardie page en “like” ook. Dit tel altwee as votes. Jy kan elke 24 uur vote. So help vir Yolandi uit en gaan vote nou. Die eerste foto in vandag se Vrydag Bederf is van Yolandi.

Then there is this awesome girl all the way from the USA, Erin Willet (she is the one in the gif at the bottom of today’s Vrydag Bederf). She was kind enough to do let me interview her back when I still had no idea what I was doing. Erin is realy one of the most down to earth beautiful girl that I know and we still exchange messages on Twitter every now and then. Erin recently quit her job because of something her boss did to compromise her position ethically.

If I look back at the interview I did with her now I want to stick my head in the sand. I was still very green, but Erin was still kind enough to put up with all the retarded questions. So go ahead and give Erin some encouragement on her Twitter as she keeps looking for a new job.

Geniet die week se Jaded Ink Vrydag Bederf.

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2 Responses

  1. NCJacjal says:

    3de van bo… WOW!!!!!

  2. Willeboer says:

    Mooi bly maar flippen mooi. Dankie vir die bederf vandag 🙂

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