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Bittereinder – Die Slagting feat. Tim Beumers

Die Slagting - Bittereinder

Dit is van die begin af vir my duidelik gewees dat Bittereinder een van daardie bands is wat jy of van hou, of jy hou nie van hulle nie. Vir my is Bittereinder nogaltyd baie cool gewees nie net vir hulle musiek nie, maar vir die creativity betrokke by Bittereinder overall. Alles van Jaco se lirieke, Peach se beats en Louis se video/imagery. Hulle nuwe video vie “Die Slagting” is vandag bekend gestel en dit is weer ‘n song saam met Tim Beumers. Die video word as volg beskryf:

The multilayered concept of the video was essentially shaped by the necessity to shoot the footage that makes up the video over a period of more than a year. The video was shot in Pretoria and Mozambique during six different shoots. The first section of footage was shot when Tim Beumers was in South Africa in 2012, when he performed with Bittereinder at the MK Awards. Louis’ sister, Magdalene Minnaar, plays the part of ‘the voice of the synth’ (an inter-video reference to the first MiNNAAR video, ‘Volcano’). The video also features Peach playing drums with a bag over his head, Louis headbanging in the shower and Jaco rapping loudly on the main street of a Mozambiquan village.

Ek weet daar is Bittereinder fans onder die gevaaalik.com lesers. Een ding wat ek kan sê is dat die song my laat op en af bons, al is dit agter my lessenaar. Wat dink jy van “Die Slagting” en die video?

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