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Wen kaartjies na die We Are One Colour Festival

Die We Are One Colour Festival gebeur 6 April 2013 by Emmerentian Dam in Johannesburg. Dit gaan ‘n awesome festival wees en moer baie fun. Die hartseer nuus is dat die kaartjies klaar uitverkoop is. Die goeie nuus is dat gevaaalik.com weer vir jou deurkom en jou ‘n kans gee ‘n kaartjie vir jou en ‘n tjommie te wen.

Colour Festival South Africa

Al wat jy hoef te doen is ‘n comment hier onder te los en ons te vertel hoekom jy na die We Are One Colour Festival moet gaan. Maklik. As jy nie heeltemal weet wat gebeur by die We Are One Colour Festival nie, kyk net na die video hier onder van die fetival in Kaapstad. Ek kan nie wag vir die nie.

Die kompetisie sluit 25 Maart 2013 regstreeks om 10:00 am. Vir meer info oor die festival kan jy gerus hulle volg op Twitter by @WeAreOneSA of jy kan gaan loer na die We Are One Joburg Facebook page.

Fine print:

Jy moet bo 18 wees om in te skryf vir die kompetisie. Jy gaan jou ID by die hek moet wys, so moet nie eers dink jy gaan kan insluip nie. Die wenner wat ons kies is die wenner en ons besluit is finaal. Ons sal nie eers reageer op enige gegrens nie. As ons die wenner vir een of ander rede nie in die hande kan kry nie, dan sal ons ‘n ander wenner kies. Die sluitings datum vir inskrywings in Maandag 25 Maart 2013 op 10:00 am.

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31 Responses

  1. Lauren Vd Vyver says:

    Keen to go so badly! As a ginger, I need as much colour as there is to blend in and get colour-dirty, colour-messy, colour-happy! Please, thank you and happy epic vibes! N’ hectic jol is nodig!

  2. Drikus says:

    nog n post fol met foute. maar ek wil asb die kaarkie wen!!

  3. Claire Reston says:

    Jissus.. Asb.
    Moet gaan, lewe kort so bietjie kleur!!

  4. Stix says:

    @Drikus: Vol met ‘n f? Hahaha. En jou IK is in die negatiewe, geluk!

  5. Drikus says:

    beteken dit ek kry die kaarkie?

  6. Tyron says:

    Well, as St. Paddy’s was my birthday, I think my luck of the Irish still stands. Plus, green, ginger and guiness!

  7. henry says:

    Gee my net die voken kaartjie ek is n daaglikse getroue gevaalik fan en sonder my gan die party in elk geval net suck.Ek sal ook seker maak dat ek so veel stoute boudjies inkleur as wat ek kan hehe.

  8. MJ says:

    Jis dudes, ek werk offshore op oilrigs in angola. Eks nou al weg vir 4weke en gan net betyds terug wees vir dai party. ekt al di ouens opi rig voorgestel aan stoute boudjies en vrydag bederf, dis n groot hit aangesien da fokol girls isni. Fokkit ekt. Weke laas n dop gehad en kort n kop verloor party. Doen dit net

  9. Gabieba Martin says:

    So I’m from CT and as part of my degree, the blady government decided I work in RUSTENBURG, North West Province for the year. Freakkin RUSTENBURG *insert barf face*. So basically my sanity needs to win these tickets, as its obviously seen the CT pictures all over twitter .

  10. ashleigh henning says:

    So I was supose to get my friend tickets for this even for her birthday. I was going to go the afternoon it sold out as I hav varsity all day. Now she’s expecting tickets and I don’t have any and nothing else in this entire world will compare to those tickets as her gift*
    Please help me out here?
    Thank you

  11. Tarquin Nortje says:

    Hey guys,

    I stay in Stellenbosch, and I missed the We Are One festival due to no transport there! Sucks, I know!
    I’ve got a plane ticket booked to be home for the Johannesburg one just in case, but can’t find a single ticket!!
    I need the ticket! I need some colour in my life! Help me out PLEASE!!!!

  12. Alexandra says:

    I have a ticket but neeeed for my boyfriend & friend!
    We’ve been looking forward to this for months & they just misse out on buying tickets!
    Don’t make me go on my own! We really want to be part othe 1st We Are One JHB 😀 pleeease give me these tickets!

  13. Tarquin Nortje says:

    But the main point is to surprise the girlfriend with a ticket, so 2 would be great! But if 1 comes my way, she’ll really make it an amazing jol!!! C’mon guys! I need brownie points hahaha

  14. Tam says:

    It was suppose to be a birthday gift for my best friends 18th, however I could afford the ticket before until after they were sold out. She is dying to go and I would love and appreciate winning the ticket for her.

  15. Jarryd Alexander says:

    South Africa is a rainbow nation and I couldn’t think of a better way to emphasis that, than The HoliOne festival. Celebrating unity with our fellow South Africans, of all colours and types. A day of colour and fun would be the ultimate for me and a truly approrpriate way to show my feelings for all my brothers ans sisters of S.A! =D

  16. Tam says:

    Could not afford*
    Please I’m begging

  17. Tam says:

    I really am the most desperate person. 3 posts. I can’t not let her attend her birthday gift that she is expecting:(

  18. Hennie says:

    Ek moet daar wees anders gaan my wardrobe net bestaan uit wit t-shirts. My tie-die budget het uitgehardloop voor ek by die kleur kon kom 🙁 FFS help ‘n bra uit, wit is so 60’s en net James Dean kon dit regtig afpull

  19. Stix says:

    @Tam: Be careful, there is a fine line between desperate and comment spam.

  20. Elzarie says:

    Ek het n kaartjie nodig vir my beste vriendin!!! Ek wil so graag die dag saam met haar geniet. Sy was nog nooit saam met my by n festival nie en toe ek haar uiteindelik kry om in te stem om te kom saam met my, toe is die kaartjies uit. Ek dink as sy we are one toe kom gaan ek haar dalk n gereelde festival mens maak!!!!! Dit sal faaaaantasties wees vir my!!!!!

  21. Samantha says:

    Please may we have the tickets 🙂 ?! We simply love festivals and haven’t been to a decent party in AGES!!! Please give us the chance to go and let our hair down?! We’ll do promotions for the website…we’ll do whatever it takes…pick us!!!!! <3 Cam & Sam (2 desperate galz that would love to go to HOLiONe COLoUr FeStIvAL *********

  22. Cait says:

    Doesn’t everyone need some colour in there life 🙂 would sell my big toe and dance in a care bear suit to win these beautiful tickets 🙂 pleeeeeeease make my life more colourful by allowing me to go to the We Are One festival in the sunny city of joburg 😀

  23. @ArneCPT says:

    I want colour in and around my face. I want to get punched so hard by colour that Chris Brown shudders. Ek en ‘n poespas van kleur moet soos unicorn vomit lyk.

  24. Mari-Anje Burger says:

    Ek het net een maatjie en sy naam is Philip. Philip verjaar die 22ste Maart en ek wil graag nie kaartjies wen sodat ek en hy meer kleurvolle maatjies kan probeer maak.


  25. Tiffany says:

    Just moved to South Africa…missing a little color in my life, besides my new fling. Would love to surprise him with tickets <3

  26. Brittany says:

    I just missed buying tickets for this event so I would love to win tickets and if so il make sure I have enough colour to last me thought the winter 😀 please help me celebrate and bring more colour and happiness to my life 😀

  27. Shannon King says:

    pleaseeeeee!!! in desperate need of tickets, was pressing buy as the tickets sold out with both releases. </3
    i will even walk around advertising you guys on the day if necessary!

  28. Dan says:

    Why would you not want to win these tickets? Please let me have them!

  29. Richenda says:

    Please let me win!

  30. Adrian says:

    I neeeed to go to We Are One because it is definitely the festival of the year so far! If I don’t win these tickets I will have major FOMO for the rest of my life!! I have tried to purchase tickets online but every time it was sold out 🙁 Need to go to the festival everyone has been talking about!! So pretty please gevaarlik.com put me out of my misery and make me the happiest person alive! Pleeeeease 🙂

  31. Esme says:

    Need to go to the festival because it is my last month in South Africa before I leave to go to America for the rest of my life. It would be a great opportunity to end off my last few days in this country with a bang and I think going to the We Are One Colour Festival will be the perfect way for me to remember this amazing country. Please give me these tickets!!

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