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Gevaaalike dame – Simone de Kock

Dit is ‘n baie lang rukkie vandat ons ‘n gevaaalike dame gefeature het. Simone de Kock is definitief die regte dame om die gevaaalike dame feature terug te bring. Toe ek vir Simone vra om my bietjie meer van haarself te vertel het sy net die volgende te sê gehad:

“I currently work in events and promotions as well as model part-time. I’m currently in the top 15 finalists for the Sports Illustrated New Model Search and hoping to win that.”

Ek moet sê dat Simone my nogal onkant betrap het. Sy is nie net baie mooi nie, maar sy het ook ‘n goeie sin vir humor en sy is alles behalwe dom. Iets wat vir my nogal belangrik is as dit by gevaaalike dames kom. Ek het die kans gehad om so bietjie met Simone te chat en so paar foto’s by haar te steel vir julle. Hier is wat sy te sê gehad het, en die foto’s. Sê vir Simone baie dankie op haar Twitter page: @Simmydk

gevaaalik.com: Posing to have your picture taken in sexy lingerie must be hard, it is for most of us. How do you handle it? Then again I might be comfortable with posing in lingerie if my body looked like yours.
Simone: It really isn’t as hard as what it seems… You get your hair and makeup done by professionals so you feel gorgeous and that just shines through in the pictures.

gevaaalik.com: What is your favourite part of your body?

Simone: My beauty spots, only because they make me different from everyone else.

gevaaalik.com: If you could do anything in the whole world and get paid to do it, what would you do?

Simone: It would be amazing if I could get paid to Pprty… Imagine that, going out with friends, free drinks, having crazy nights and getting paid to do it!

gevaaalik.com: Do you prefer g-strings or Catholic school girl cotton panties?

Simone: Definitely g-strings – [they are] a lot sexier.

gevaaalik.com: Is there a girl out there that you would go gay for?

Simone: MAYBE Angelina Jolie. Just because she’s ridiculously sexy. But I love the male species, hahaha.

gevaaalik.com: When can we take you out for a drink?

Simone: My boyfriend wouldn’t like that, hahaha.

Simone, thanks a lot for the chat. Best of luck with all that you do in future. As a gevaaalike dame you are in good hands now, we have an eye for these things. If SA Sports Illustrated has any idea what they are doing you will be number one. Hope to have you back soon.

by Stix

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2 Responses

  1. Ant says:

    Locked in the spank bank. jaaaaaaaaah!

  1. May 1, 2017

    […] Onthou jy vir Simone? Kom ek help jou onthou. […]

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