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Delivery – Die raw stand-up comedy documentary

Ek dink crowd-sourcing sites soos Kickstarter en IndieGoGo is great. Dit gee elke een van ons die krag om te help om iemand anders se idee of droom waar te laat word. Goed soos Delivery, die documentary oor ‘n Mark Meyers wat sy eerste documentary maak oor 4 ouens wat stand-up comedy vir die eerste keer gaan try, en Mark wil dit doen voor die geboorte van sy kind.

Delivery Documentary

As iemand wat al self die stand-up comedy stage getry het moet ek erken dat dit ‘n groot deel uitmaak van hoekom ek Delivery wil kyk. Stand-up comedy is regtig die moeilikste en maklikste ding wat jy ooit in jou lewe sal doen. Public speaking is die nommer een vrees van meeste mense, en dit is net public speaking, nie eers met die doel om mense te laat lag nie.

Mark Meyers beskryf die inspiration agter Delivery die beste:

I’ve been greatly influenced by DIY filmmakers such as Ed Burns & Robert Rodriguez, but I have equally been inspired by the story telling and emotional depth of films like Robert Zemeckis’ Forrest Gump, and Frank Darabont’s The Shawshank Redemption (not to mention films by Spielberg, Fincher, & Spike Jonze).

As for comedy, I have never thought about doing stand up – ever.  But growing up on The Simpsons & Seinfeld, and comedies like Dumb & Dumber have infused so much humour (Canadian spelling) into my life that the desire to make people laugh is almost my number one priority. But I am an anxious guy – I get uncomfortable in regular situations.  So doing stand up is fearful for me; so is becoming a father; so is making a film… but as they say, the best way to destroy an enemy, is to make them your friend.

Hier is die trailer vir Delivery en jy kan die link volg as jy die fliek wil ondersteun. Daar is nog 5 ure oor om die ouens ‘n paar rand te gee.

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