Vra vir water en jy sal bloed ontvang
Ek’s seker almal het al die video van Andries Tatane op die nuus gesien.
Volgens my was dit ‘n baie hartseer dag vir ons samelewing, ons demokrasie, en die mensdom. Om iemand teen point blank range te skiet, is fokken barbaars. Fine, ek verstaan hy het die polisie gedreig en nie na hul bevele geluister nie, maar daar is beter maniere om oproerige skares te beheer as om lewens te neem. Ek meen, dit is nie asof hy vir fokkol protesteer het nie. Hy het geldige punte gehad waaroor hy sy stem dik gemaak het. Ek verstaan ook dat daar beter kanale was om te volg, maar hierdie is extreme.
Die regering besef dat hulle besig is om te verloor en daarom die geweld. Sommige meen dit is wat mens verdien as jy jouself soos ‘n barbaar gedra, en ander is diep geskok daardeur. Wel, ek los jou om jou eie keuse te maak. Laat weet ons wat jy dink.
Hy is geskiet na hy al dood was
Glad to see the Police doesnt take Sh*te from the bunch of animals anymore…
He got what came to him,and what has has asked for. (Putting someone’s life in danger is a serious offence,and must be put to a complete halt/stop,even if it means to “put” him down at Point Blank. (If it was me,it would have been straight through the head…It is either you or him,and “Me”,it wouldn’t have been).
As the saying goes,its a tough world out there,and its survival of the Fittest,since its a Dog eats dog world
Hopefully its a lesson that has been learned,and that will be followed.
“bunch of animals”? You sir, are sick. He wasn’t an animal, he was a fucking human being. It’s disgusting that you have so little regard for another person’s life.
Those police officers with their bullet proof vests and weapons must have felt really scared when one man stood so close to them.
Just like there is no excuse for the brutal shooting and beating of protesters during the apartheid years, there is no excuse for it now. There is a big difference between keeping order and beating an unarmed man to death.
You say that “If it was me,it would have been straight through the head…It is either you or him,and “Me”,it wouldn’t have been”. Well, then I guess we’re all glad it’s not you. And no, it’s not a dog eats dog world, and no, it’s not survival of the fittest. In that case we’d be chucking the mentally and physically challenged off cliffs, wouldn’t we? Read the fucking Constitution of South Africa and grow the fuck up.